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Tag "caribbean"

Recession in the Caribbean By Cdr. Bud Slabbaert

Recession in the Caribbean By Cdr. Bud Slabbaert

🕔10:36, 22.Juin 2020

When there are reports on ‘Latin America & Caribbean’, one has to review them carefully and with some skepticism, to avoid coming to false conclusions or statements; no matter whether the reports are positive or negative. The economies of the

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Costa Rican Quince Duncan receives “Presidents Award” at St. Martin Book Fair 2016

Costa Rican Quince Duncan receives “Presidents Award” at St. Martin Book Fair 2016

🕔08:22, 26.Juin 2016

The presentation of the Presidents Award to Dr. Quince Duncan in St. Martin deepens Caribbean and Central American links, reports RECA Informa, an influential Central American studies newsletter. “This recognition of the work and career of Quince Duncan deepens transregional

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Regina LaBega Praised at Caribbean Aviation Meet Up Conference in Dominica

Regina LaBega Praised at Caribbean Aviation Meet Up Conference in Dominica

🕔21:11, 19.Juin 2016

Airport and tourism expert, Regina LaBega was the toast of the gathering at the first Caribbean Aviation Meet Up conference hosted by the Government of the Commonwealth of Dominica, in Rousseau, Dominica from June 14 – 16, 2016. LaBega gave

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La Caribbean Karate Oyama était invitée par le comité des boxes pieds-poings afin de participer au championnat Antilles Guyane de Boxe Thaï

La Caribbean Karate Oyama était invitée par le comité des boxes pieds-poings afin de participer au championnat Antilles Guyane de Boxe Thaï

🕔19:57, 23.Mai 2016

La CKOSXM présentait deux de ses combattants boxe Thaï, Nicolas Parlanti en moins de 65kg pour une ceinture caribéenne et Leo Clement dans la catégorie junior -64kg. Le combat de Nicolas Parlanti était l’événement phare de la soirée contre un

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Amuseum Naturalis Reopens in Grand Case

Amuseum Naturalis Reopens in Grand Case

🕔10:55, 23.Mai 2016

Amuseum Naturalis, a free pop-up natural history museum in Grand Case is reopening. The museum will open May 28th and 29th during the Fête de la Mer and throughout the month of June on Sunday and Thursday evenings from 4-8pm.

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Déplacement de la Caribbean Karate Oyama à l’Open de France à Lyon

Déplacement de la Caribbean Karate Oyama à l’Open de France à Lyon

🕔22:31, 3.Avr 2016

Samedi 26 mars 2016 a eu lieu l’Open de France de karaté Kyokushinkai en présence de nombreux pays européens (Algérie, Allemagne, Azerbaijan, Belgique, Espagne, France, Roumanie, Russie, Serbie, etc…) ainsi que les officiels de cette organisation. Les élèves de la

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St. Martin’s Lasana Sekou speaks on racist images in Caribbean tourism promotion at Costa Rica’s International Symposium

St. Martin’s Lasana Sekou speaks on racist images in Caribbean tourism promotion at Costa Rica’s International Symposium

🕔05:28, 30.Nov 2015

St. Martin author Lasana M. Sekou recently presented a conference paper on “Color, Cultural Identity, and Tourism” at the University of Costa Rica (UCR), said his publisher HNP. “The International Symposium – Transcultural Convergences in Central America and the Caribbean,”

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Discover Stories of Statia’s Wildlife in Free Wild Statia Ebook

Discover Stories of Statia’s Wildlife in Free Wild Statia Ebook

🕔18:12, 8.Nov 2015

Anyone with an interest in Statia and its wildlife is in for a real treat: a free ebook—Wild Statia—was just released by naturalists Hannah Madden and Mark Yokoyama. The 55-page book is illustrated with captivating photos taken by the authors.

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Les Fruits de Mer Share Media Expertise at 20th International Meeting of BirdsCaribbean in Jamaica

Les Fruits de Mer Share Media Expertise at 20th International Meeting of BirdsCaribbean in Jamaica

🕔18:28, 5.Août 2015

Every two years, bird educators, scientists and conservationists from throughout the Caribbean and beyond gather for BirdsCaribbean’s International Meeting. At this year’s meeting in Kingston, Jamaica, over 200 international delegates from 33 countries/islands gathered to share the latest in Caribbean

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The Adulterous Citizen goes island-hopping: Caribbean, Europe, Asia with India’s stellar writer Tishani Doshi

The Adulterous Citizen goes island-hopping: Caribbean, Europe, Asia with India’s stellar writer Tishani Doshi

🕔12:30, 27.Juil 2015

GREAT BAY, St. Martin (July 26, 2015)—The Adulterous Citizen by Tishani Doshi, the award-winning writer from India, has already gone half way around the world since its Caribbean publication here in June 2015. House of Nehesi Publishers (HNP) launched the new

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Invest Caribbean Now 2015 For The  French Caribbean Island Of Saint-Martin

Invest Caribbean Now 2015 For The French Caribbean Island Of Saint-Martin

🕔07:49, 15.Juil 2015

Carib PR Wire, NEW YORK, NY, Weds. July 15, 2015: The exotic French Caribbean island of Saint-Martin will this year put the spotlight on its global investment opportunities through an exclusive collaboration with Invest Caribbean Now, the global private sector Caribbean investment

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Environment – Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival Branches Out Into Habitat Restoration

Environment – Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival Branches Out Into Habitat Restoration

🕔09:31, 2.Juin 2015

June 2, 2015 — From the grand opening of an ornithological center in Puerto Rico to birding by boat at remote cays in the Grenadines, Caribbean birds were celebrated in more ways than ever during the past month. The 14th

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Déplacement de la Caribbean Karate Oyama au Championnat d’Europe de Karaté Kyokushinkai 2015 à Berlin

Déplacement de la Caribbean Karate Oyama au Championnat d’Europe de Karaté Kyokushinkai 2015 à Berlin

🕔13:31, 16.Mai 2015

Natal Tasso, vice champion de France, était convoqué par l’équipe de France Koykushinkai pour participer au championnat d’Europe à Berlin le 9 mai. Ce championnat qui s’effectue tous les ans réunissait les nations suivantes : Allemagne, Espagne, France, Grèce, Hongrie,

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Badejo’s Salted Tongues … by way of a tour, from city streets, to countryside, to seashore

Badejo’s Salted Tongues … by way of a tour, from city streets, to countryside, to seashore

🕔13:13, 23.Avr 2015

by Sir Jay B. Haviser Salted Tongues! A flood of vivid images and impressions come to mind with the phrase, ranging from bittersweet sarcasm to restricted speech to lumps of flesh in brine! With this book of insightful and explorative

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Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival Highlights Habitat Restoration

Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival Highlights Habitat Restoration

🕔11:54, 22.Avr 2015

“Restore Habitats, Restore Birds” is the theme for this year’s Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF). At dozens of events throughout the region, participants of all ages will learn how restoring local habitats can benefit the unique birds found only in

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Open de France 2015 Karaté Kyokushinkai

Open de France 2015 Karaté Kyokushinkai

🕔18:46, 9.Fév 2015

Open de France 2015 Karaté Kyokushinkai le 31 Janvier (Poussins/Pupilles/Benjamins) et le 1er Février (Minimes/Cadets/Juniors) au Gymnase Léo Lagrange 75012 Paris. Déplacement de la Caribbean Karate Oyama (CKOSXM) au championnat de France de karaté Kyokushinkai avec à la clé une

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Déplacement de la Caribbean Karate Oyama à Porto Rico

Déplacement de la Caribbean Karate Oyama à Porto Rico

🕔15:15, 31.Oct 2014

Déplacement de la Caribbean Karate Oyama au championnat international de karaté Kyokushinkaï (IKA GRAND, World Martial Arts Championship) à Porto Rico du samedi 25/10/14 au lundi 27/10/14 la compétition a eu lieu le dimanche 26/10/14. Le premier déplacement du club

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Saint-Martin. The 12th annual St. Martin Book Fair

Saint-Martin. The 12th annual St. Martin Book Fair

🕔14:11, 3.Juin 2014

Wednesday, June 4 – 7 PM – 8 PM A Pre-Book Fair Program @ Mr. K Cigar Lounge, Sucker Garden Road Economic opportunities for small island territories and states; survivability of small island states and territories in the Caribbean; life after debt, and

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WWLOR. The 5 Tourists You Will Meet in the Caribbean

WWLOR. The 5 Tourists You Will Meet in the Caribbean

🕔10:33, 16.Déc 2013

The snake was a sinister black, roughly 7ft in length, and coiled in the corner of our hotel room’s foyer. As I ambled half-asleep towards the bathroom, I spotted it first peripherally, then in full, horrifying focus. Looking back, I

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SXM Sponsors First Aviation Photo Contest in Caribbean

SXM Sponsors First Aviation Photo Contest in Caribbean

🕔23:43, 18.Fév 2013

SIMPSON BAY, St. Maarten (February 18, 2013)—The Princess Juliana International Airport (SXM), is one of the major sponsors of the first aviation photography competition in the Caribbean region, offering a cash prize of US$2,500 to the overall winner. The competition,

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CARIBBEAN : Get Outside and Enjoy Birds During Free Bird Walk

CARIBBEAN : Get Outside and Enjoy Birds During Free Bird Walk

🕔14:47, 29.Avr 2011

Get Outside and Enjoy Birds During Free Bird Walk On Earth Day April 22nd the Society for the Conservation and Study of Caribbean Birds (SCSCB) [1] launched the 10th annual Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) under the theme “Go Wild,

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