Sint Maarten : Make your appointment with the Vice Consul of the United States for the Dutch Caribbean

Par Autre 28 Jan 2015 11:22

Sint Maarten : Make your appointment with the Vice Consul of the United States for the Dutch Caribbean

The Vice Consul of the United States for the Dutch Caribbean will be in St. Maarten for American Citizen Services on:

Thursday, February 5, 2015 from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Parliament Building in Philipsburg.
An appointment is necessary.
For appointments please send us an email at or contact us at 5999-4613066, extension 2225.

The Vice Consul will only be able to provide the following services:
* Accepting applications for a U.S. passport
* Accepting applications for a Report of Birth Abroad to a U.S. citizen. *Notarizing documents
*Social Security Applications


Only cashier’s checks in U.S. dollars and negotiable in the U.S. will be accepted. Please confirm this when obtaining a cashier’s check. All cashier’s checks should be made out to “U.S. Disbursing Officer”. NO CASH OR PERSONAL CHECKS are accepted.

*Applicants applying for a regular passport renewal can use the form DS-82. Please go to our website for instructions.
* All applicants using passport form DS-11 must appear in person.
* Passport applicants under 16 years of age must use the DS-11 passport form and must appear in person with both parents.
* Bring both originals and copies of the parents’ passports and the child’s birth certificate.
* If one parent cannot appear in person, a notarized statement of consent of renewal of the minor’s passport (DS-3053) by the parent who will not be there is required.
* Please bring photocopies of all original documents, including passports for each application.

Applicants are now required to EITHER submit a pre-paid airway bill or account number from a courier service for the delivery OR to authorize someone to pick up the item on behalf of the holder/owner. To authorize an individual other than the holder/owner of the item to pick it up, the individual must present the receipt for the service OR a letter signed by the holder/owner specifying the name of the individual retrieving the item. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Please check our webpage at or for fees, to download application forms or for any other detailed information on passport applications and consular reports of birth abroad.

You may also contact us by e-mail: for more information.
Please make sure you have all the documents required for the type of service you are applying for to avoid delays! Please

complete the necessary forms prior to arriving but do not sign the form until in the presence of the Vice Consul!

The Vice Consul will not take applications, offer advice or otherwise give advice on visas.
To make an appointment for a non-immigrant visa at the U.S. Consulate General in Curacao, please call: 001-602-567-9833 or go to this website

Par Autre 28 Jan 2015 11:22

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