Johnny Depp Joins Alice Cooper On Stage At London Gig – Watch

Par Rédaction 27 Juin 2011 16:33

Johnny Depp Joins Alice Cooper On Stage At London Gig – Watch

He played guitar on two tracks…

Johnny Depp joined Alice Cooper on stage as the veteran rock star played an intimate gig at the 100 Club in London on Sunday (June 26).

The Hollywood actor and big music fan played guitar on Cooper’s classic hits, ‘I’m Eighteen’ and ‘School’s Out’, reports The Guardian. Cooper described his special guest as “the bluesmaster, Mr Johnny D from Kentucky”.

And after the actor had played his two songs, Cooper joked that if his acting career ever stalled then he could find a place in his band.

Alice Cooper and Johnny Depp on stage in London:  voir la vidéo


Le journal de la musique selon France Info:

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Alice Cooper et Johnny Depp tapent le bœuf

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Source: Gigwise, franceInfo

Par Rédaction 27 Juin 2011 16:33

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