Sint Maarten. Baby’s death under investigation

Korps Politie Sint Maarten
Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 8 Oct 2013 19:28

Sint Maarten. Baby’s death under investigation

081013-KPSMOn Tuesday October 8th at approximately 07.15 a.m. Police patrols, Detectives, Forensic Department and Paramedics were sent to Fort Willem Hill to investigate a case of an infant that was not showing any signs of life.

On the scene the investigating officers encountered both parents of the infant.

The mother was holding the infant in her arms who indeed was not showing any signs of life. The parents stated that the night before they had gone to bed and that their female infant was in good health.

The infant had also fallen asleep. At daybreak when they woke up they noticed that the infant was not moving and not showing any signs of life.

A medical doctor was informed and came to the scene and pronounced the death of the infant.

The body of the infant was confiscated for further investigation while the parents are being questioned.

This case is under investigation by the Detective Department.

Korps Politie Sint Maarten
Par Korps Politie Sint Maarten 8 Oct 2013 19:28

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