Senior citizens treated to breakfast at Beach Plaza

Par F.L 28 Oct 2011 23:55

Senior citizens treated to  breakfast at Beach Plaza

Senior citizens from both sides of the island enjoyed breakfast at the Beach Plaza Hotel on Thursday courtesy of Opposition Leader Alain Richardson. Bethany Home’s Director of Activities Nicole Richardson and staff looked after the group.

MARIGOT—A large group of senior citizens enjoyed a hearty breakfast at Beach Plaza Hotel on Thursday morning as part of continuing activities for National Senior Citizens Week.
The breakfast for around 60-70 persons from Bethany Home, the Dutch side home, and other groups was sponsored by leader of the Triple R group, Alain Richardson. The elderly were attended to by ten staff from the home as well as restaurant staff.
Bethany Home’s Director of Activities Nicole Richardson noted the elderly had been kept busy even before the week officially began on October 17. She added there has been emphasis on giving the elderly meals as it is also Tasting Week.
“We began with a very nice event on October 8 in St. Louis and Rambaud and on October 12 we were invited to the Sandy Ground Cultural Center for a movie and lunch,” she said. “Then on Saturday we, French and Dutch side homes, went to Anguilla where we met with the seniors there.”
“On Sunday we went to church in Grand Case before the official opening of Senior Citizens Week at the Bethany Home on Monday where we invited seniors from the island and local dignitaries. And on Thursday we had a beautiful lunch at the Bethany Home, truly restaurant style.”
Tonight Friday the seniors will be enjoying a buffet at the Bridge Cafe in Sandy Ground.
Richardson explained the elderly are fairly well taken care on the French side but said it will soon be time for a new home for the residents and staff due to the architecture of the Bethany Home.
“Going up and down steps all the time is not pleasant and it’s tiring.”
Alain Richardson said he stepped in knowing the Bethany Home did not have sufficient means to hold the breakfast and the Collectivité had not shown much interest in terms of financing or being present.
“No one from the majority party, or those responsible for the elderly was present at the official opening on Monday,” he said.” Even with the financial constraints of the Bethany Home and the Collectivité it is unacceptable that financing should prevent our seniors from having something to look forward to. If there’s a part of our population that needs to be cared for it is our seniors. They are the ones who have toiled on our behalf to make this island what it is. As a younger generation we owe them that at least. I’ve always been taught there is more blessing in giving than receiving.”

Alain Richardson

Par F.L 28 Oct 2011 23:55

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